Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I chose "Little Things" out of the short stories from Raymond Carver because it isn't super jolly or happy. This is something that actually happens in life and it was a good change from all of the happy go lucky stories.

Monday, May 7, 2012

I chose this picture for the Collected Stories book by Gabriel Garcia Marquez because is reminds me of the last short story of "The Incredible and Sad Tale of Innocent Erendira and Her Heartless Grandmother" and how Erendira is trying to escape to the shore.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Followers- I was a follower when I went to a party and told myself I would not consume any alcohol and ended up drinking way to much and had to sleep in my car. Gave in to peer pressure.

Berenger- It was actually the following weekend from when i gave in to peer pressure and was a follower but at this party I actually stood up for myself and didn't have one bit of alcohol and turned into the DD(designated driver) and got my friends home.